Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Conditioned to repeat myself no more?

Walmart's check out line it's my turn.  The bill comes to XYZ and I can't find my bank card.  Meanwhile, Justice is all over the place -literally!  He's sitting under the shopping cart, opening the soda cooler, picking up KitKat's, ect  (you get the picture). 
I have people behind me burning a hole into my back because looking for my card is holding up the line AND every 5 seconds I stop looking for my card to look at him saying, "Justice come here, stand where I can see you, put that down" and the money phrase "If I have to tell you one more time...".
I tell the cashier to suspend my transaction because I still can't find my card, I don't have enough cash on hand, and Justices' 4year old naughty behavior is stressing me out making my current situation even more frustrating.
I find my card (which was in my pocket from previously buying gas) simultaneously and yet again telling Justice the money phrase "If I have to tell you one more time...", then in an epiphany moment realize how many times I've said that.  
Flashbacks to being on the phone with my aunt while Justice was acting out and me saying "the money phrase" to him and my aunt replying, "You already have said it to him one more time, many times ago."  I got so mad in that moment  with her feeling like how dare she, and people without kids are so good looking in and commenting from the outside.  
But you know what, she was right!  Fast forward to my epiphany moment.  I am making a conscious effort to “Un-condition” myself from repeating idol threats and requests more than three times to Justice.  Justice will get the "1-2-3 Magic" countdown and on "3", he will “take 5" (an action will be taken).

Mama Meeka

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